I work remotely and our virtual team is based in Europe and US so I always try to schedule pretty much everything. I wake up at 6:30, go for a run and then have a breakfast and read the latest news in Data and Analytics - I work with a lot of C-suites from these industries, so I always have to be informed.
By 8 am I am already into my work clothes and step into my home office. I have created this routine for myself so that I don’t really feel that I work from home - when it gets lonely I pick up the phone and call a client or one of my colleagues.
Mondays usually start with a call with my MD, planning for the week ahead and look at what’s pressing for that specific week from a numbers point of view (of course!).
Same routine as Monday but I start with client calls and pitching depending on what I am working on - I always schedule client calls or face to face meetings because they are just so valuable for your client acquisition.
I work closely with our Head of Marketing and Content Director so usually this time a week we always have calls about how the campaign is going and where we are tracking vs. our targets.
Officially mid of the week - I usually don’t realise when we get to Wednesdays because there is loads going on. But I was excited about this one because my holiday countdown has officially started - 1 week left. I am writing this on Friday after work, so just 2 days left!
Because of this I have to do extra work and I start doing some Account Management calls and prepare a short handover for my colleagues if is anything pending when I am away.
Wednesdays is also when we have our team weekly calls, so it’s usually back-to-back-to-back :)
Same morning routine - booring but it helps.
Finished the Sales Plan for my upcoming Chief Data & Analytics Forum in Berlin so I’m happy because my planning it’s pretty much done - now it’s all about partner acquisition.
Thursday is usually when I go for Data Meet-ups in the evening or read from my book so my evening is booked.
I’m currently reading ‘How to win friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie - very good!
Run. Eat. Start my day - nothing changes.
Fridays I start like Monday - call with MD to go over the week and do some checks from our To-Do for the upcoming event.
10:30 - 1pm - client calls
2pm - 4pm - Planning for the next week
By this time I normally zone out so I either spend it researching potential leads on Sales Navigator or read thoroughly some news from the industry.
Run in the morning and read work stuff until 12pm - after that I just switch off.
Excited to go away for 10 days and switch off completely - I do this once a year so I can function properly.
My role can be pretty stressful sometimes so switching off is important for your mind!
Have a fab weekend!